It's a MMO with lot of fire power! Yes Indeed! I just started playing this game, and hell I'm getting addicted to it! :P It's free-to-play game (at the moment) but you'll need to pay if you need special stuff, like starting your own gang or getting some brutal weapons! Anyway, free player still can join someone else's gang or be a one man army!
Anyway, add me to your friends or gang!
hamster86 - in Crime Craft
k3nji86 - in Xfire
Crime Craft Known problems and fixes!
Some of these fixes are not available on Crime Craft Forum! LMAO! That's a serious lame thing! :D
Anyway hope this helps some of you who want to kick some ass in this game!
1. Game won't update!!
Known for Win Vista/7 users! (or perhaps even XP) Make sure your internet connection is fully open to crime craft regarding the firewall and turn off damn downloads and uploads including Win updates!
If still won't update delete your game information located in
C:\Users\xxx\Documents\My Games\
Start run again, you will get your game is corrupted and select repair!
That should fix it!
If still not, delete your information again and add
CrimeCraftLauncher.exe to your STEAM as "None-Steam game". Run via Steam!
The game should download a very huge file (like 3GB) and game will be fixed now!
If still not, try replacing the
CrimeCraftLauncher.exe from
2. Can't sign in!! Game says offline?
It's a free to play game! There are thousands of players every time! So try later!
And double check to make sure any firewall you are running is set to allow "crimecraft.exe".
Also, the following ports need to be open in order to play CrimeCraft.
UDP: [29000 - 29999]
UDP: [7100 - 9999]
3. Laggs! It f*cking laggs!
Lower your graphics! Turn off unwanted programs and downloads! Get a better net connection!
4. I just joined the game and I can't see other players! WTF?
Yah, you need to be level 2-3 to see others and will take many more levels to fight with actual players till then fight bots!
5. Game Crashes?Black Screen!!
When you run Crime Craft make sure you get the "Game is fully updated" on welcome screen!
Update your drivers and DX!
6. Invaild patch link (404)
In order to work around this DNS issue, here is a step-by-step process to connect to the server. This is just temporary so you can run the launcher, get patched, and connect to the server.
1) If your currently running Windows 7/Vista, right-click the launcher icon and under compatibility, make sure administrator mode is active. Make sure the launcher is not currently open, including any web browsing software.
2) Go to the follow directory path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
3) If you don't see your hosts file, change "Text Documents" to All Files.
4) Open the "hosts" file, then select Notepad as the program to open it with.
*Note: Make sure Notepad is running in Admin mode, otherwise the file will not save.*
5) Go to the bottom of the document and add the following line:
* Be advise, don't add a "#" character before or you tell windows to ignore that line of text.*
6) Save the file.
7) Now reopen the launcher and it should begin patching.
by Clast
7. Character Stuck: Quick Fix
If your character is somehow stuck in-game, such as being stuck in a wall, and you cannot reach a GM at the time for help:
1. Open your full Map
2. Right click any Transit Officer
3. Click yes, and you will automatically be transported to another city
by Vortech
8. Launcher/Updater Issues
You have downloaded the game from Fileplanet, installed it, and launched it. The launcher says that it is out of date and a new one will be downloaded. After the countdown, nothing happens. The updater closes itself.
Solution 1:
1. Download the new launcher
2. Copy and Paste the new launcher over your old one, in your CrimeCraft folder.
3. Open the new launcher, and it should properly update itself.
Steam users with launcher problems need to follow slightly different instructions.
Special thanks to CosmicFirefly for posting this solution:
1. Go here:
2. Download the new SteamLauncher.exe
3. Replace your existing SteamLauncher.exe
3. Run that launcher by double clicking on it.
9. Launcher doesn't show up! After I launch game it minimizes to task bar,I can't see options anywhere!
Looks like launcher does not appear within visible screen zone. Actually it may be fixed just via right click on launcher minimized to taskbar and using the "move" option. Thus launcher window may be moved/dragged around until it become visible.
But you may also try to delete the "…\[user’s documents]\My Games\CrimeCraft\CCLauncher" folder. It will reset launcher window appearance position back to default.
And make sure to check here as well!
So Join this wonderful game! Enjoy!