
Backyard-Spot only supplies Information and Tools necessary to make a PERSONAL BACKUP of legally owned Game CD/DVD's. Backyard-Spot in NO WAY links or makes it possible to illegally download or acquire any copyrighted game(s).
We have removed 'keys' or 'key generators' from cracks as well.
Saves/ Trainers cannot be used or not recommended using on Multi player matches! This could get you banned from the server!
None STEAM Multi player patches or such postings can only be used on legit games only! For those who don't like to play on STEAM or for those who doesn't have Internet, these postings will help them to play the game!
We reply to commenters if they 'ask' us about the pirated version of the game, although that will not say we recommend or saying it is OK to pirate or use copyrighted game(s) or softwares for purposes or piracy or such as.
Backyard-Spot cannot be held responsible if any of the information and/or files contained on this site are used in the pursuit of illegal activities, such as copyright infringement or piracy.
All files in Backyard-Spot was published by someone else in net! We have downloaded them and check for verifications and viruses and re-upload them back to original senders/suppliers/hosts.

All the postings in this whole blog is not our own collection. All are downloaded from internet posted by some one else. We are just saving some time for our viewers to avoid searching everywhere. So none of these are our own cracks or patches. We Simply test them, and upload them back with test results. We are not violating any copy rights law or not any illegal action that we are not supposed to do. If anything is against law please notify so that they can be removed.

Full credit to the original up-loaders and suppliers and of cause software developers!
Buy games which you actually like! Support them!! Otherwise PC genre will die!!!.
Support software developers! And Support gamers!!

If you see a post which u may don't like/ belong to you or violation of copyrights, let us know.

Please make the Header Line ONLY AS:
Backyard Disclaimer

Keep the following in mind when making a backup of an Original Game CD/DVD:
You are LEGALLY ALLOWED to make a personal backup of an Original Game CD/DVD as long as you are the owner of the Original Game CD/DVD.
You are NOT ALLOWED to sell, rent or give away any backups of copyrighted Games CD/DVD's, as this is not allowed by Copyright Laws.
You MUST DESTROY any backups when you don't legally own the Original Game CD/DVD anymore (e.g. selling or giving it away)
Before making a backup, check in the supplied manual or on the back of the CD/DVD, if there are special conditions or provisions for making a personal backup.

We cannot held responsible if the downloader is using the fix for a pirated software. Or playing illegally on a cracked multi player with a pirated edition. Downloader's has been warned and acknowledged that if using a backyard re link, they are the ones' that will be responsible for thier actions. They are own accounts/ games or even PC may put to risk with such actions. Viewers has been advised and warned!

Finally, backyard Spot will NOT held responsible for any action/ fail or any such event after using a file which is/was available here. No one forces you to download or use these files, please note that all downloads and uses are your own actions.

Downloading our files means you DO AGREE to all above.

Thank you.

DARK N!T3/ Kenji86